1:00 pm ET — CNBC BREAKING: Trump plans to sign HR.1625 $1.3 trillion spending bill into law after threatening a veto
Oh . . . OK . . . [sigh] . . . I will sign it anyway. Off to Florida.
Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD)
“This is classic Trump,” said . “He says one thing and then he does something completely different. He’s actually one of the worst negotiators I’ve ever seen.”
9:00 am ET — Bloomberg News: Now Trump May Veto HR.1625
Go figure. https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/23/politics/trump-veto-omnibus-daca/index.html
Trump tweeted on Fri Mar 23:
“I am considering a VETO of the Omnibus Spending Bill based on the fact that the 800,000 plus DACA recipients have been totally abandoned by the Democrats (not even mentioned in Bill) and the BORDER WALL, which is desperately needed for our National Defense, is not fully funded.”
HR 1625: FY18 Omnibus Spending Bill
Current status here
- 03/23/2018 Resolving differences — Senate actions: Senate agreed to the House amendment to the Senate amendment to H.R. 1625 by Yea-Nay Vote. 65-32 on March 23, 2018 at 12:21 AM. Record Vote Number: 63.
- 03/22/2018 Resolving differences — House actions: On motion that the House agree with an amendment to the Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: 256 – 167 on March 22, 2018 at 12:59 AM (Roll no. 127).
House Rules Committee Hearing re: Senate Amendments to FY18 Omnibus Spending Bill (H.R. 1625)
Streamed live on Mar 21, 2018
- A 2:45:00 discussion starting on 3/22/18 at 10:15 pm in H-313
- Sessions: Starts at 00:09:32
- McGovern: admission of how broken our Congress is at 00:13:39
- Kohl: Formal introduction of hearing at 00:17:38
- Hastings: More criticism of last-minute process at 00:37:26
- Polis: “The simplest way to balance the budget is not to spend the money and you can do that by voting no today.” 01:06:20
- Polis: Reasonable amendments — including the Dream Act — rejected by the House Rules committee; listen for yourself at 02:50:34
Summary of Senate’s FY18 Omnibus Additions to HR.1625 here
(reproduced below)
ABSTINENCE: Technical correction to remove the state match requirement for the Sexual Risk Avoidance Education program (formerly known as Abstinence Education) and make it easier for states to participate in the program. ARIZONA LANDS: This legislation expresses Congressional consent for a State Constitutional Amendment that increased K -12 school funding levels provided by State -owned trust land revenues. Under Arizona’ s Statehood Act, Congress must consent to Constitutional amendments that relate to Arizona’s state trust land.
BROWNFIELDS: This legislation reauthorizes the Brownfields Law and makes significant improvements and reforms to the program that will ensure that more brownfields sites are cleaned up and returned to productive use. Brownfields sites – which EPA estimates number more than 450,000 across the U.S. – are often abandoned, closed or under -utilized industrial or commercial facilities.
CERCLA/LIVESTOCK OPERATIONS: This legislation continues the EPA’s exemption for low -level livestock emissions in order to pr ovide certainty for day -to-day farming and ranching operations. This bipartisan exemption has been defended by the current and last two Administrations. CHILD PROTECTION IMPROVEMENT ACT: This legislation e stablishes a national criminal history background check system and criminal history review program for organizations that serve children, the elderly, and individuals with disabilities .
CLOUD ACT: The Clarifying Lawful Overseas Use of Data (CLOUD) Act addresses conflicts in international law by enco uraging governments to develop a clear framework for technology companies to comply with investigative demands. The legislation incentivizes countries to remove conflicts of law and raise privacy standards.
CONRAD 30: The legislation reauthorizes the Conrad 30 Waiver program through the end of the fiscal year. Conrad 30 allows J -1 medical doctors to apply for a waiver for the 2- year residence requirement upon completion of the J -1 exchange visitor program. The program addresses the shortage of qualif ied doctors in medically underserved areas.
EB-5: The legislation reauthorizes the EB -5 regional center program through the end of the fiscal year. EB -5 was developed to achieve the economic growth and job creation goals of the immigrant investor statute by encouraging immigrants to invest in commercial enterprises located within economic units known as “regional centers.” E-VERIFY: The legislation re authorizes the E -Verify program through the end of the fiscal year. E -Verify is an Internet -based syst em that allows businesses to determine the eligibility of their employees to work in the U.S. until the end of fiscal year 2018.
FAA: The legislation extends Federal Aviation Administration authorization and t axes through the end of fiscal y ear 2018. I t also i ncludes modifications to controller hiring rules to address critical shortfalls.
FIX NICS: The legislation strengthens the National Instant Criminal Background Check System by reauthorizing the NICS Improvement Act, increasing records submissions assistance for states, and requiring federal agencies to submit annual reports and certification of compliance.
FORESTRY REFORMS: This legislation provides for incremental forest management reforms to help reduce catastrophic forest fires. Such reforms include environmental streamlining, reduced litigation, timber harvest contract certainty , and vegetative management along electricity rights -of-way. More effective timber management will ultimately help protect communities and the environment by reducing dangerous fuel growth on National Forest and other federal lands. GSP: The legislation extends the Generalized System of Preferences, a program designed to promote economic grown in the developing world by preferential duty free entry.
JUDICIAL REDACTION: This legislation e xtends the authority of the Judicial Conference to redact personal and sensitive information from the financial disclosure report of a judge or judicial employee if it finds that revealing the information could endanger that individual or a family member of that individual.
KEEP YOUNG ATHLETE’ S SAFE ACT: This legislation p rovides resources to safeguard amateur athletes against emotional, physical, and sexual abuse in sports.
KEVIN AND AVONTE’S LAW: This legislation helps to protect children with developmental disabilities, and seniors with Alzheimer’s, who are prone to wandering.
MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL: This legislation clarifies the treatment of minor league baseball players under the Fair Labor Standards Act’s (FLSA) minim um wage and overtime requirements.
MEDICARE PASS THROUGH: This legislation extends pass through status from 3 to 5 years for certain drugs for which not enough data has been collected to allow the drug to be priced properly by Medicare. NFIP: The legislation e xtends the National Flood Insurance Program through July 31, 2018. PRIA: The legislation e xtends authorities under the Pesticides Registration Improvement Act thr ough the end of the fiscal year.
RAYBAUM: This legislation reauthorizes the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for the first time in 28 years. It includes provisions to encourage broadband deployment, improve spectrum policy and public safety, and advance consumer protection.
RELIGIOUS WORKERS: The legislation reauthorizes the S pecial Immigrant Religious Workers program through the end of the fiscal year. Religious W orkers allows ministers and non- ministers in religious vocations and occupations to immigrate or adjust status in the U.S. for the purpose of performing religious wo rk in a full -time compensated position.
REPACK: The legislation fulfill the commitment to relocate broadcasters in the wake of the incentive auction authorized by the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 (P.L. 112- 96). The auction raised over $20 billion. This additional funding is needed to relocate broadcas ter spectrum which will ensure a successful repack process .
REVENUE PROVISIONS: The division fixes the so- called “grain glitch” and puts agricultural cooperatives and their co mpetitors on a level playing field with respect to the 20 percent deduction for active business income. It also enhances the low -income housing credit by (1) increasing by 12.5 percent the total credit allocation for calendar years 2018 through 2021, and (2) modifying the income averaging test.
SAFE SCHOOLS: The legislation p rovides local law enforcement, school personnel and students with the tools they need to proactively prevent a threat.
SECURE RURAL SCHOOLS: The provision reauthorizes Secure Rural Schools (SRS) payments for two years to help communities and local school districts that are near National Forest System lands to receive a percentage of their historic revenues generated from timber sales on such federal lands. Limited sales from t he Strategic Petroleum Reserve cover the costs of the SRS reauthorization.
SMALL COMPANY CAPITAL FORMATION: The legislation direct s the SEC to change certain requirements relating to the capital structure of business development companies (BDCs) , moderni ze the BDC regulatory regime, and streamline the offering, filing, and registration processes for BDCs to eliminate significant regulatory burdens. The second section amends the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to expand access to capital for small busines ses affected by hurricanes or other natural disasters.
TARGET ACT: The Targeted Rewards for the Global Eradication of Hum an Trafficking amends t he State Department Basic Aut horities Act of 1956 to include severe forms of trafficking in persons involving at least one jurisdiction outside of the United States in the definition of “transnational organized crime” for purposes of such program.
TAX TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS: The division provides for tax technical corrections, other corrections, and cler ical and deadwood -related corrections. TAYLOR FORCE ACT: The legislation cuts off assistance that directly benefits the Palestinian Authority (PA) unless the PA takes credible steps to end acts of violence, stops payments for acts of terrorism, revokes the laws requiring these payments, and takes actions comparable to revoking the laws and publicly condemns these acts of violence. The bill also requires reporting to Congress that clearly explains how the administ ration makes its determinations pursuant to these specific requirements.
TIP RULE: The provision prohibits employers from keeping tips received by employees .
WILDFIRES AND DISASTER CAP ADJUSTMENTS: The legislation includes a “fire borrowing fix” by creating a new wildfire suppression cap adjustment under the Budget Control Act (BCA). It also updates the current BCA disaster cap adjustment.