Invitation for IEEE TC95/ICES Meetings: Jan 17-19, 2023
Includes TC95, SC1, SC2, SC3/SC4, SC5, SC6 and COMAR Meetings
Join from the meeting link:
Meeting Location: Cambria Hotel, 3165 West Frye Rd., Chandler, AZ, 85226
TC95 meetings
Dear TC95 members and observers:
Please find the registration form for the upcoming meeting in Chandler, Arizona on January 17-19, 2023. If possible, please attend in person, which is more effective. To participate in this first hybrid meeting via the internet is free of charge. But registration is still required. Please fill out the registration form regardless whether you will attend in person or by the internet. Return your registration form to TC95 Chair before January 9, 2023. After TC95 Chair receives your registration, prior to the meeting, subcommittee chairs may send you another revised agenda. In the meantime, if you are interested in presenting or have suggestions for an agenda, please contact the SC chairs.
Note: Arizona is Mountain Standard Time (MST), two hours behind New York.
Tuesday, January 17,2023:
9:00am-12:00pm: SC1 Techniques, Procedures, Instrumentation and Computation 1:00pm-5:00pm: SC2 Terminology, Units of Measurements and Hazard Communication 5:30pm-7:00pm: AdCom (for AdCom members only)
Wednesday, January 18, 2023:
9:00am-3:30pm: SC3 and SC4 jointly, Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields, 0 – 3 kHz and 3kHz-300GHz 4:00pm-5:00pm: SC5 TBD 5:00pm-7:00pm: COMAR
Thursday, January 19, 2023:
9:00am-12:00pm: SC6 EMF Dosimetry Modeling 12:30pm-4:00pm: ICES TC95 Main Committee
If you are interested in attending the meetings and you are not in the SC distribution lists, please contact the Subcommittee Chairs. For detailed scopes of the SC, please see
B: Chat from from IEEE TC95/ICES Meetings: Jan 17-19, 2023
from Ric Tell to Everyone: 11:31 AM
Ric Tell, present at TC95 meeting
from Antonio Šarolić to Everyone: 11:31 AM
Antonio Šarolić, University of Split, Croatia
from Aymen BEN SAADA, Tunisia to Everyone: 11:32 AM
Aymen BEN SAADA, Higher school of communication of Tunis, TUNISIA
from Hiroaki MIYAGI to Everyone: 11:32 AM
Hiroaki Miyagi, HM Research & Consulting, Tokyo, Japan.
from Jeff Lodwick to Everyone: 11:32 AM
Jeff Lodwick, OSHA, USA
from Yujuan Zhao – Intel to Everyone: 11:32 AM
Yujuan Zhao, Intel
from Andrea Schiavoni to Everyone: 11:33 AM
Andrea Schiavoni, TIM, Italy
from Asher Sheppard to Everyone: 11:34 AM
Asher Sheppard, Asher Sheppard Consulting, Santa Rosa, Calif., USA
from Asher Sheppard to Paul Gee (privately): 11:36 AM
Paul,I’d appreciate the link to the paper on EMF risk/safety you were just offering to include today.
from Stephen Simms to Everyone: 11:37 AM
Stephen Simms, Leonardo, UK
from Asher Sheppard to Paul Gee (privately): 11:37 AM
from Paul Testagrossa to Everyone: 11:46 AM
Paul Testagrossa
from Art Thansandote to Everyone: 11:46 AM
Artnarong Thansandote, Health Canada (Retired)
from Amnon Duvdevany to Everyone: 11:48 AM
Amnon Duvdevany, Israel Institute for Occupational Safety and Hygiene, Israel
from O S Giles to Everyone: 11:48 AM
Olin Giles, OmniVision Assoc, USA
from Alexandre Legros to Everyone: 11:48 AM
Alexandre Legros, LHRI/Western uiversity, Canada and Montpellier University, France
from Julien Modolo to Everyone: 11:52 AM
Julien Modolo, INSERM, Rennes, France
From Paul Gee to Everyone: 11:54 AM
From the ruling in the US Courts of Appeals, DC Circuit in Case 20-1025 Environmental Health Trust v. FCC, 9 F.4th 893 (D.C. Cir. 2021):
The DC Circuit judges ruled the following:
“. . . we grant the petitions in part and remand to the Commission to provide a reasoned explanation for its determination that its guidelines adequately protect against harmful effects of exposure to radio-frequency [microwave] radiation. It must, in particular,
- (i) provide a reasoned explanation for its decision to retain its testing procedures for determining whether cell phones and other portable electronic devices comply with its guidelines,
- (ii) address the impacts of RF radiation on children, the health implications of long-term exposure to RF radiation, the ubiquity of wireless devices, and other technological developments that have occurred since the Commission last updated its guidelines, and
- (iii) address the impacts of RF radiation on the environment.”
from antonio faraone to Everyone: 11:55 AM
Got it.
From Paul Gee to Everyone: 12:01 PM
Wireless radio frequency microwave radiation is bioactive and is currently being insufficiently regulated. Therefore, each state or locality can regulate the maximum power output of microwave radiation from wireless infrastructure antennas that reaches any areas that are accessible to human beings and other living organisms, consistent with the 11,000+ pages of peer-reviewed, scientific evidence that Environmental Health Trust and Children’s Health Defense and others plaintiffs placed in the FCC’s public record: Vol-1, Vol-2, Vol-3, Vol-4, Vol-5, Vol-6, Vol-7 Vol-8, Vol-9, Vol-10, Vol-11, Vol-12, Vol-13, Vol-14, Vol-15, Vol-16, Vol-17, Vol-18, Vol-19, Vol-20, Vol-21, Vol-22, Vol-23, Vol-24, Vol-25, Vol-26 and Vol-27.
From Paul Gee to Everyone: 12:01 PM
Links did not follow. I will include them in the record.
From Paul Gee to Everyone: 12:04 PM
Here are the links: 11,000+ pages, 27 volumes of peer-reviewed, scientific evidence that Environmental Health Trust and Children’s Health Defense and others plaintiffs placed in the FCC’s public record:
- Vol-1:
- Vol-2:
- Vol-3:
- Vol-4:
- Vol-5:
- Vol-6:
- Vol-7:
- Vol-8:
- Vol-9:
- Vol-10:
- Vol-11:
- Vol-12:
- Vol-13:
- Vol-14:
- Vol-15:
- Vol-16:
- Vol-17:
- Vol-18:
- Vol-19:
- Vol-20:
- Vol-21:
- Vol-22:
- Vol-23:
- Vol-24:
- Vol-25:
- Vol-26:
- Vol-27:
From Paul Gee to Everyone: 12:04 PM
Please add the preceding links to the minutes of this committee meeting as evidence accepted by the US Court of Appeals, DC Cir.
From Paul Gee to Everyone: 12:04 PM
The evidence, cited above, of biological harms caused by the microwave radiation pollution that spews from WTF infrastructure antennas 24/7 has been
- Entered into the FCC’s public record,
- Accepted by the U.S. Court of Appeals, D.C. Circuit
- Ruled upon by the D.C. Circuit — and all other Circuits are bound by this ruling.
from Peter Zollman to Everyone: 12:05 PM
When the DC circuit becomes recognized by a United Nations agency such as WHO as having scientific, engineering and medical expertise pertinent to the standardization of compliance assessment techniques, then it will be possible to review their contribution in the context of the overall scientific database.
from Paul Gee to Everyone: 12:06 PM
The United Nations and the World Health Organization are private clubs, which have no jurisdiction in the United States of America. Unless U.S. elected representatives pass laws signed by the U.S. President that codify items proposed by the UN/WHO then the statements by the United Nations agencies, such as WHO, are merely recommendations. On the other hand, the U.S. Courts of Appeals DC Cir. rulings bind all 11 geographic US Circuits, 1st through 11th, aka the entire USA. Your statement that the DC circuit must be recognized by a United Nations agency such as WHO as having scientific, engineering and medical expertise in order for there to be a possibility for review of the evidence in the FCC’s record is simply nonsense. The DC Cir. mandated the FCC to do exactly that. Read the ruling.
From Paul Gee to Everyone: 12:07 PM
Attendence: Paul Gee, Wire America
from Bob Curtis to Everyone: 12:09 PM
Bob Curtis retired OSHA USA.
from antonio faraone to Paul Gee (privately): 12:11 PM
Is Gee your last name?
From James Futch to Everyone: 12:18 PM
James Futch, Florida Dept Health, Bureau of Radiation Control, USA
From Don Haes to Everyone: 12:18 PM
Donald Haes, Secretary SC2, Consultant
From Antonio Faraone to Paul Gee (privately): 12:26 PM
I see that you are “Paul G” in several youtube interviews, I need your actual last name
From Asher Sheppard to Paul Gee (privately): 12:27 PM
If you would like my consideration of your information and view, please provide your contact info.
From Paul Gee to Everyone: 12:29 PM
Dr. Trevor Marshall, PhD, Lifetime IEEE member — you can find his comment to the FCC here: Appendix C: Trevor Marshall Comment on FCC Order 19-126.
From Paul Gee to Everyone: 12:30 PM
There is a full name to attach to the evidence placed in the record today. Feel free to call Dr. Trevor Marshall to verify: [redacted]
from Antonio Faraone to Paul Gee (privately): 12:34 PM
Thanks, I need your name
From Paul Gee to Everyone: 12:36 PM
Names have already been provided including Dr. Trevor Marshall, PhD’s name.
From Paul Gee to Everyone: 12:37 PM
To satisfy your committee’s requirements: Trevor G. Marshall, PhD, Autoimmunity Research Inc.
From Paul Gee to antonio faraone (privately): 12:38 PM
See my answers in the chat to everyone.
From Paul Gee to Asher Sheppard (privately): 12:41 PM
I provided your answers in the chat to everyone: Trevor G. Marshall, PhD, Autoimmunity Research Inc. — Marshall and I spoke on the phone during this presentation and decided that the evidence coming from an IEEE Lifetime members is preferable.
From Paul Gee to Asher Sheppard (privately): 12:41 PM
Now to everyone.
From Antonio Faraone to Paul Gee (privately): 12:42 PM
Thanks, I need your name.
From Paul Gee to Everyone: 12:43 PM
I provided answers to Mr. Sheppard and Mr. Faraone in the chat to everyone: Trevor G. Marshall, PhD, Autoimmunity Research Inc. — Marshall and I spoke on the phone during this on line meeting and decided that the evidence coming from an IEEE Lifetime members is preferable. The evidence is important. I am not.
From Paul Gee to Everyone: 12:47 PM
We are expecting the TC.95 Committee not to invoke unimportant procedural rules to keep evidence out of the record for today’s meeting. We are also expecting the TC.95 Committee to be intellectually honest about the simple facts: Specific Absorption (Watt-Seconds) can be a sensible measure for the dose of RF microwave radiation exposure while Specific Absorption Rate (Watts), which does NOT include time in its units, cannot.
From Paul Gee to Everyone: 12:53 PM
Update: Professor Trevor G. Marshall President Autoimmunity Research Inc. (a California Corporation)
From Paul Gee to Everyone: 12:54 PM
That was taken directly from Marshall’s 20 Dec 2019, Appendix C: Trevor Marshall Comment on FCC Order 19-126 FCC Comment here:
From Asher Sheppard to Paul Gee (privately): 12:55 PM
Thanks, Paul Gee. So noted.
From John DeFrank to Everyone: 1:14 PM
From John DeFrank to Everyone: 1:15 PM
Although the decision went against the FCC, the court did not conclude that RF emissions from mobile and other wireless devices are unsafe and hazardous—a recurring claim that has been a significant obstacle to deployment of next-generation wireless infrastructure. The court emphasized that it took “no position in the scientific debate regarding the health and environmental effects of RF radiation,”2 but was careful to explain that RF radiation is “non-ionizing” and distinct from “ionizing radiation” (also called “radioactivity”) that can damage tissue,3 and found the FCC’s determination that exposure to RF radiation at levels below current exposure limits does not cause cancer was not “arbitrary or capricious.”4
From Peter Zollman to Everyone: 1:31 PM
From Paul Gee to Everyone: 1:41 PM
I am unsure why this was posted: “The Effects of Chronic Fear on a Person’s Health” ( as this clearly could not be a credible response to the evidence entered into the record of this meeting today. There has been no communication of fear, concern or guesswork from me today; I reported actual evidence of biological effects (and established harms) from RF microwave radiation that are hundreds of thousands of times lower than ICNIRP or FCC RF Exposure limits.
From Paul Gee to Everyone: 1:43 PM
Conclusion: the current ICNIRP/FCC limits are nonsensical once one takes off the blinders of “thermal effects only” on current IEEE so-called scientific inquiry.
From Paul Gee to Everyone: 1:47 PM
In response to John DeFrank, no one needs to interpret the dicta written in Case 20-1025; the ruling clearly states:
“. . . we grant the petitions in part and remand to the Commission to provide a reasoned explanation for its determination that its guidelines adequately protect against harmful effects of exposure to radio-frequency [microwave] radiation. It must, in particular,
- (i) provide a reasoned explanation for its decision to retain its testing procedures for determining whether cell phones and other portable electronic devices comply with its guidelines,
- (ii) address the impacts of RF radiation on children, the health implications of long-term exposure to RF radiation, the ubiquity of wireless devices, and other technological developments that have occurred since the Commission last updated its guidelines, and
- (iii) address the impacts of RF radiation on the environment.