DRAFT — Adapted version will be complete by Noon . . .
Adapted from an article by Lyle Laver, Mar 29, 2022 | Original National Business Post article here
Wireless Telecommunications Facilities (WTFs) of any size or any “G” might bring better reception to a section of a city, but also negative health consequences and lowered property values. Increasing numbers of people don’t want to live near WTFs. In some areas with new WTFs, property values have decreased by up to 20%.1

Cell towers and so-called “small” Wireless Telecommunications Facility (sWTF) antennas now sit as close as 12 feet of some homes. And they are not just sitting there looking like trees. These full-power Wireless Telecommunications Facilities (WTFs) are emitting pulsed, modulated, radiofrequency (RF) microwave radiation that transmits huge peaks of electromagnetic power through the air in order to deliver gigabytes of data (and RF microwave radiation) to wireless devices. This has severe consequences.
There is no getting away from it. You can’t see it. Most can’t feel it. But the next buyer of your million dollar home will assess it and devalue your home accordingly. On a million-dollar home, that could be a loss of $200,000 in home value.
At a city council meeting in April 2019, Mayor Janice Parvin of Moorpark, Calif. (a suburb of Los Angeles) said,
“Can you imagine having street lights on both sides of a corner, and one house has this configuration (small cell antenna) attached to it – the value of the house that has the Wireless Telecommunications Facility next to it versus the one that doesn’t and how that could negatively impact your home value.”
In 2022, with smart phones and iPads instantly accessing the latest news and excessive data collection and AI infiltrating and monetizing our privacy, the FCC is still trying to spin a tale that is unravelling at its very core. Its regulations have been proven to not be based on scientific data.
- Examining invisible urban pollution and its effect on real estate value in New York City, William Gati, New York Real Estate Journal, September 2017 ↩