19 “Small Cell” 4G Antennas with Faux-Mailbox Power Supplies in Palo Alto, CA
The following is a link to the planning documents for a high-density 4G Distributed Antenna System (DAS) in Palo Alto: 19 so-called “small Cell” antennas installed in high-density fashion in a 3 block x 6 block area. These antennas and their faux-maibox power supply cabinets were deployed on Palo Alto sidewalks by Crown Castle on behalf of Verizon. Construction was completed and the antennas were powered-on in November, 2016.
On 4/21/17, we completed measurements of Radio-Frequency Microwave Radiation (RF/MW radiation) on the sidewalks beneath and near these DAS antennas using a professionally-certified RF/MW radiation meter. The results show that these antennas are forcibly exposing Palo Alto residents, workers and visitors to hazardous levels of RF/MW radiation 24/7/365. Our RF/MW radiation measurements, unbelievably, are the only actual RF/MW radiation measurements ever completed for this project.

Credit: All RF/MW radiation and EMF precision instruments and metering services provided by Eric Windheim, Certified BBEC, EMRS, and owner of Windheim EMF Solutions. The Gigahertz Solutions HF-59B documentation specifies how to properly meter and report the high crest factor signals with needle-like, microsecond bursts of power used in the 4G/LTE signals (with OFDM/OFDMA modulation) that are emitted by these “Small Cell” antennas in downtown Palo Alto.
DOSE or total exposure over time, is the relevant concept to any physician evaluating exposure to a toxic agent or to any toxicology study, including the $25-million, 16-year 2016 National Toxicology Program Study on Carcinognenesis of RF/MW radiation. Dr. Ronald L. Melnick, the lead designer of the NTP study stated on 6/1/16:
Risk is determined from both the dosimetry, which is the absorbed power [multiplied by] time [of exposure], versus the tumor response . . . because of the large number of [exposed human] users worldwide, even a small increase in risk at exposure propensities that may be close to what humans experience, could result in a large number of people developing a RF-radiation-induced tumor with long-term exposure.
When they wrote the 1996 Telecommunications Act, the Wireless industry lobbyists conveniently left out of the FCC RF/MW radiation exposure guidelines any concept of total exposure over time. These lobbyists and FCC regulators wrote into law fraudulent, scientifically-unsound, RF/MW exposure guidelines based on a rate of exposure, not based on the total exposure over time: this obvious trick is considered utter nonsense by competent physicians or PhD biologists, working in the field.
The Wireless industry lobbyists based their RF/MW radiation exposure guideline on a false and scientifically-unsound assumption that living organisms can dissipate the biological effects of RF/MW radiation exposures. Substantial scientific evidence (over 25,000 studies since the 1920’s) have proven immediate and direct short-term biological damages from RF/MW radiation exposures at levels far below what we measured on Palo Alto sidewalks on 4/21/17. There are also long-term biological damages caused by these levels of RF/MW radiation.
- Immediate direct hazards from RF/MW radiation exposures: adverse effects on blood, brain, heart, hormone, sleep and neurological functions, including tinnitus, insomnia, difficulty concentrating, heart palpitations and suppression of melatonin. Melatonin is a critically-important hormone needed to fight cancer and maintain circadian rhythms. All of this has been established in tens of thousands of peer-reviewed scientific studies and these adverse bio-effects are seen at RF/MW radiation levels far below the scientifically discredited FCC RF/MW radiation guidelines. (BioInitiative 2012,PowerWatch Study List, EMF Scientists Appeal)
- Long-term hazards from RF/MW radiation exposures: early dementia and deadly cancers of the brain, heart, breast, colon and testicles. (IARC Monograph 102, Lennart Hardell’s Additional Work after 2011, 2016 NTP Study on Carcinogenesis of RF/MW radiation exposures.
DOSE is explained by these excellent Dr. Karl Maret videos: https://vimeo.com/132039697 and https://vimeo.com/87023780. DOSE is also shown and explained here.
Here are the relevant biologically-based RF Microwave Exposure guidelines:
No Hazard | Slight Hazard | Severe Hazard | Extreme Hazard |
less than 0.1 µW/m² | 0.1 µW/m² to 10 µW/m² | 10 µW/m² to 1000 µW/m² | greater than 1000 µW/m² |
Measuring peak, not average, levels of RF/MW radiation is critical to fully understand the hazards created by the RF/MW radiation levels that are now present on the downtown Palo Alto sidewalks. RF/MW radiation of 720,000 µW/m² to 1,230,000 µW/m² is EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS.
Note: µW/m² means microwatt (or 1/1,00,000th of a Watt) per square meter:
- Peak RF/MW radiation levels higher than 10 µW/m² is a severe hazard.
- Peak RF/MW radiation levels higher than 1,000 µW/m² is an extreme hazard.
Downtown Palo Alto: a Tony Mix of Retail and Residential Units Near Stanford University

by Crown Castle, contains electrical supply equipment that powers the pole-mounted antennas.

Site P09m2: Bryant/Hamilton Streets, across from City Hall

blocks the sidewalk, while the antenna array pollutes the homes and businesses along Bryant St..

faux-mailbox power supply exposes people to strong magnetic fields.

to spray RF/MW radiation into the homes/businesses on Bryant Street.

because the “mailbox” lacks warning signs, anyone could lean up against this cabinet in the public right of way.

Site P13m: Lytton Avenue/Emerson St. at The Bus Stop

creating long-term RF/MW radiation exposure of Palo Alto residents, workers or visitors.

Site P04m: Ramona Street/University Avenue

impede pedestrian traffic in public right of way.

Site P05m: Florence Street/University Avenue

or the pole housing the “Small Cell” antenna about the RF/WM radiation or magnetic field hazards.

Site P19m: Hamilton/Emerson Streets at Yoga Source

mounted on the pole, instead of placed on the sidewalk.
Site P15m: Lytton Ave./Bryant Street, Across from Cogswell Plaza

a public park with tables/benches and a grassy area for kids to play.

Site P01m: High Street/University Avenue

This antenna is much too close to these 2nd story windows.