SB.649: A CA State Bill Attempting to put Lipstick on a Pig
Senate Bill 649 is a proposed law (mostly written by AT&T, Verizon and the lobbying group, CTIA), to allow bulky and large cell phone equipment sites nearly anywhere — including refrigerator-sized electrical supply cabinets on streets and sidewalks in front of homes. SB.649 is a bad bill; it cannot be corrected by any clever amendments. Urge your CA State Senators to vote NO on SB.649. Californians deserve much better: One Big Dig — fiber optic cables buried in the ground to every business, home school and farm. Doing so makes all of the equipment shown below unnecessary.
These are the large electrical supply cabinets that SB.649 would allow to be placed on the sidewalk directly in front of your home. The various cabinets are for equipment and that can pollute your neighborhood with 24/7 noise and can leak toxic chemicals. The cabinets contain all kinds of electrical equipment, burning energy 24/7/365 to support the broadcasting of Radio-Frequency Microwave Radiation (RF/MW radiation) directly into your bedrooms 24/7/365, forcing residents to endure the following:
- 24/7/365 exposure to hazardous RF/MW radiation: proven by our Federal government’s $25 million 16-year study to cause cancer and DNA damage
- RF/MW radiation exposure also causes sleep problems, headaches and suppression of melatonin, a hormone critical for preventing cancer
- Noisy cooling fans
- Computers
- Lead-acid batteries
- Electric meters
- Strong electric and magnetic fields from this equipment
- Lots of Electrical waste (high frequency voltage transients) dumped back onto the electrical lines which flows directly into your homes
You will have to endure the presence of all of above (and your local government will have no say authority to say “NO”, if SB.649 passes. SB.649 guts local authority to prevent the abomination shown in this photo and is taxpayer giveaway to Wireless Carriers, the large campaign contributors or our legislators. Please read a recent article by Susan Crawford: Handcuffing Cities to Help Telecom Giants.
We Don’t Want Cell Towers in Our Yards
Next Steps for CA SB.649: Wiredless Telecommunications Facilities Bill
California Senate Bill SB.649 was significantly amended on 5/2/17. The next hearing for SB.649 is scheduled to be heard as a do pass
item on Mon, 5/15/17 at 9:00 am in Room 4203 in front of the CA Senate Appropriations Committee. The public can comment on SB.649 during 5/15/17 Appropriations Committee hearing.
- The CA Senate Appropriations Committee is located in State Capitol, Room 2206, Sacramento, CA 95814, 916-651-4101
Mark McKenzie <>
is the consultant in charge of writing the analysis of SB.649 for the Senate Appropriations Committee.
Members of the CA Senate Appropriations Committee
- 5050 State Capitol, 916-651-4033 — Senator Ricardo Lara (Chair)
Ricardo Lara <>
Chief of staff:Erika Contreras <erika.contreras>>
Appropriations Consultant:Mark McKenzie <mark.mckenzie>>
- 305 State Capitol, 916-651-4036 — Senator Patricia Bates(Vice Chair)
Patricia Bates <>
Legislative Director:Heidi.Wettstein <>
- 2082 State Capitol, 916-651-4015 — Senator Jim Beall
Jim Beall <>
Legislative Director:Lynne Andres <>
- 2062 State Capitol, 916-651-4035 — Senator Steven Bradford
Steven Bradford <>
Chief of Staff:Sue Kateley <>
Legislative Aide:Rashad Johnson <>
- 5035 State Capitol, 916-651-4013 — Senator Jerry Hill
Jerry Hill <>
Director:Patrick Welch <>
- 2068 State Capitol, 916-651-4004 — Senator Jim Nielsen
Jim Nielsen <>
Legislative Aide:Lauren Prichard <>
- 4066 State Capitol, 916-651-4900 — Senator Scott Wiener
Scott Wiener <>
Legislative Director:Taylor Glass <>
Scientists For Wired Technology 4/26/17 Testimony to the CA Senate the Governance and Finance Committee
Five Key Reasons to Oppose CA SB.649: The Wireless Telecommunications Facilities Bill
38:12 to 43:36 — Cell phone towers = Cancer clusters;
Antennas should not be allowed a mere 12-20 feet from second-story bedroom windows
43:36 to 48:21 — Resonance: when microwave length = size of organism or organ,
there is exponential RF/MW Absorption in that organism or organ
51:50 to 53:45 — Environmental effects DO NOT EQUAL Health effects
CA counties, cities and towns have a California Consititutional dutyy to protect the health of their residents. California Constitution ARTICLE 1, SECTION 1:
All people are by nature free and independent and have inalienable rights. Among these are enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining safety, happiness, and privacy
57:36 to 58:36 — The size of the data payload matters; wires are your friends in all ways
59:03 to 59:23 — Let your legislators know that you don’t want cell phone towers on
the utility and light poles 12-20 feet from your second-story bedroom windows